Virtually any equipment you buy can be leased. It's the smart financing option that:
- Protects against equipment obsolescence due to new or changing technology.
- Leasing allows you to upgrade or add new equipment when needed.
- Leasing affords you flexible options at the end of the lease term. The equipment can be purchased for its fair market value or pre-set price, re-leased for an additional period of time, or returned to the Lessor.
- Leasing allows you to stay within your budget by giving you the ability to select the term with the greatest savings, only paying for the portion of the equipment's economic life that you use.
- Leasing reduces initial up-front costs since it does not require large down payments and offers 100% financing. Additional soft costs may also be included in the lease.
- Leasing provides an additional source of capital and helps conserve your working capital. Instead of sinking cash into a fixed asset, leasing keeps your cash resources available for expansion and other business opportunities.
- Leasing is a hedge against inflation.

Potential Tax Benefits¹
The primary value of equipment to you is in its use, not ownership. This has been underscored by tax laws which make the leasing of capital equipment more attractive for companies of all sizes.
- A properly structured operating lease allows for payments to be totally expensed.
- Operating leases and capital leases are available based on your business' unique financing and tax position.

What Can Be Leased?
Chances are, your company owns or operates equipment that would entitle you to the benefits of leasing. All types of equipment can be leased including:
- Construction- Bulldozers, Cranes, Compactors, Excavators
- Energy - Backup generators, HVAC, Lighting, Security Systems
- Industrial & Manufacturing - Production, Injection, Textile Machines
- Material Handling - Forklifts, Conveyors, Platform Lifts
- Medical - CTs, Dental and Optical Equipment, Heart Monitors, X-ray
- Office - Furniture, Telecommunications, Labeling, Postage
- Printing/Publishing - Binders, Cutters, Presses, Typesetting

¹ Consult your tax advisor